[In development] Version 2.1.0 - March 2021
+ New: Paysera payment provider (instead of Fortumo) (work in progress)
+ New: push notifications (work in progress)
* Improved chat (work in progress)
Version 2.0.2 - Mar 03 2021
+ Admin area: added users filter by block
* Cities selector fix (for one country mode)
Version 2.0.1 - Mar 02 2021
* Fixes and tweaks
Version 2.0.0 - Feb 28 2021
+ New: orders admin page
+ New: bans by IP/CIDR
+ New: app status page (Admin > Settings > App Status)
+ New: help page (structured help blocks with categories)
+ New: moderator role in admin area, simple permissions management for different admin pages
+ New: pricing editor in admin area
+ New: custom user search (profile fields)
+ Added unban cli command (./yii user/unban )
+ Added dark mode in default theme (auto, always light, always dark, or user defined)
+ Added settings component events override (get/set/remove)
+ Added multiselect profile field type
+ Added search feature in admin area (header)
+ Added language switcher popup
+ Added automatic timezone detection by IP
+ Admin area page: delete photo thumbnails (content/cache)
+ Added admin option: restrict incoming likes page for non-premium users
+ Added admin option: limit photo uploads per user
+ Added admin option: hide/blur custom profile fields for guests
+ Added admin option: narrow down messages listing in admin area (active users only; reported users only)
* Stripe new SDK
* PayPal new SDK
* Removed IpStack integration in favour of (free & keyless)
* Theme visual updates and fixes
* Fixed: glide library uses invalid temporary directory on some hosting providers (
* Better PHP 8 support
* Updated dependencies (Yii 2.0.40, payment SDK and others)
* Photo upload form update
* Reduced CSS file size
* Misc fixes and improvements
* Updated geodata (countries and cities translations)
- IMPORTANT: removed Fortumo SDK (due to its broken Web SDK)
- IMPORTANT: removed youdate-dark theme (default theme now supports auto/light/dark modes)
Version 1.12 - Apr 15 2020
+ Group post attachments added
+ Added option to resize large photos (max width/height, output quality)
+ Added option to limit the use of spotlight widget (once per day)
* Admin > Messages updated; addded option to delete unwanted messages
* Updated dependencies (Yii 2.0.34, payment SDK and others)
* Messages page optimized, mysql indices added
* Robokassa currency fix
* Reduced package size
* Fixed spotlight issue (ability to submit unverified photos)
* Misc fixes
* Misc theme updates
Version 1.11 - Feb 25 2020
+ Added integration
+ Added integration
* Misc UI updates
Version 1.10 - Feb 23 2020
+ New: Groups page (public and private)
+ New: News page
* PHP v7.4 support
* Updated dependencies (Yii 2.0.32, payment SDK and others)
* Enhancement: encounters photos preload
* Enhancement: content/pages and content/plugins directories added into translation scanner module
* Enhancement: language switcher for pages editor
* Enhancement: ability to create new pages (Admin > Pages)
* Fixed PayPal locale-dependent issue
* Fixed spotlight widget shown in non-premium mode
* Fixed messages search bug (Admin > Messsage, filter by Receiver)
* Fixed encounters buttons positioning
* Misc optimizations
Version 1.9.1 - Jul 11 2019
+ Added message attachments for Admin > Messages page
* Fixed: spotlight widget not working when premium features are disabled (spotlight price will be 0 credits)
Version 1.9 - Jun 13 2019
+ New: much bigger data-source for countries, cities/towns. See
+ New: photo attachments in messages (up to 5 photos per message)
+ New: GDPR related: data export feature (HTML or JSON)
+ Added "one country" mode (Admin > Settings > Main)
+ Added feature to detect city/town by IP address. See
* Optimized thumbnails (direct static links instead of PHP actions when thumbnails have been already created)
* Changed limits for credits amount
* Updated dependencies (Yii 2.0.20, payment SDK and others)
* Installer fixes and improvements
* Theme styles updated
* Fixed main photo assignment in some cases
* Fixed various typos (cron related)
* Fixed some translations
* Removed autocomplete for cities inputs
Version 1.8.2 - Feb 17 2019
+ Users should not be able to block admin users
+ Added PHP Zip extension check (installer)
* Name, date of birth, sex/gender are now mandatory fields
* Changed validator for App URL key (installer)
* Fixed private photos shown on Encounters page
* Fixed photo uploading caused warning messages (GD image driver)
Version 1.8.1 - Feb 13 2019
+ Added page to view messages (Admin > Messages)
+ Added option to lock photo private status (admin area)
* Forced translations for English language
* Month names translations switched to internal module (Admin > Languages)
* Fixed landing page/signup form (dates)
Version 1.8 - Feb 07 2019
+ New: redesigned landing page
+ New: private profile photos
+ New: plugin marketplace - install and update plugins in one click (more plugins soon)
+ Added translations: Arabic (RTL), Czech
+ Added RTL support for the default theme (youdate)
+ Added option to hide directory page for guests
+ Added VK Auth option
+ Added page to edit social auth credentials (Admin > Settings > Social auth)
+ Added favicon (youdate theme)
* Enhancement: search by country only (without city)
* Enhancement: counters for new verifications, reports, photos to verify (sidebar in area)
* Dynamic forms code refactoring (no need in `symfony/dom-crawler` library for now)
* Removed invalid Dutch countries translations
* Suppressed error messages for missing fallback translations
* Suppressed HTTP 400 error messages (invalid browser requests)
* Fixed wrong language auto-detection, when browser's language is not supported/active (fallback to English)
Version 1.7 - Jan 03 2019
+ New: Plugins support
+ New: Fake Plugins generator (plugin)
+ New: Gifts feature
+ Added Chinese languages for countries/cities inputs
+ Added Dutch languages for countries/cities inputs
+ Misc UI improvements
* Changed behavior of update command (because `popen` function required to run console commands is forbidden by some hosting providers)
* Fixed wrong dates formatting in admin area
Version 1.6.1 - Dec 08 2018
* Fixed signup form when choosing custom gender
Version 1.6 - Dec 07 2018
+ Added log messages viewer to admin area
+ Added currencies editor
+ Added sex/gender options editor
+ Added ability to hide payment options (Stripe/PayPal)
+ Added mail notifications (profile views, profile likes)
* Enhancement: translations for "select" profile fields
* Enhancement: notifications improvements
* Enhancement: min/max age filter (Browse users page)
* Enhancement: delete any notifications sent by blocked users
* Fixed 404 error on language update (Admin > Languages > Edit Language)
* Fixed premium features toggle problem
Version 1.5.1 - Oct 27 2018
* Enhancement: link to user profile (Admin > Users > View)
* Fixed encounters buttons position (Dashboard > Encounters)
* Fixed translation issue on mutual encounters modal
Version 1.5 - Oct 26 2018
+ New: Dashboard page
+ New: Spotlight widget (on Dashboard page)
+ Added placeholder for advertise (adsHeader on Dashboard page)
+ Added console helper to strip exif data and ensure photo rotation (existing photos)
+ Added profile avatar fallback event (see example in `custom` theme, ThemeBootstrap class)
* Enhancement: photo exif data removal on upload
* Fixed sidebar(contacts) scroll in Messages
* Fixed encounters mutual likes modal
* Fixed bad photo orientation for some cases
Version 1.4 - Oct 15 2018
+ New: encounters page
+ Added option to set default site timezone (Admin > Settings > Main)
+ Added option to show or not users with photos (Admin > Settings > Main)
+ Added translations for footer links
+ Added PHP Mail transport
* Enhancement: new documentation
* Enhancement: auto-set user's main photo on upload or photo approve
* Enhancement: autologin when e-mail verification is not required
* Enhancement: better css for mobiles on messages page
* Enhancement: display upload photo errors
* Enhancement: search users with photo or not by default (Admin > Settings > Main)
* Enhancement: boost and premium duration are now configurable (Admin > Settings > Prices))
* Facebook/Twitter auth options are hidden when not configured
* Removed HTTP 400, 403, 404 messages from logs
* Fixed: balance link in menu is visible when premium features are disabled
* Fixed: pjax problem on notifications page
* Fixed: css/js problems in IE11
Version 1.3 - Oct 05 2018
+ New: Custom profile fields editor (administration area; user profiles)
+ New: Profile page design/layout
+ Added "With Photo only" option in directory search options
+ Added popularity widget on profile page(based on profile views)
+ Added option to turn off e-mail verification (administration area)
+ Added option to set site's main language (administration area)
+ Added custom header/footer code (css/js/analytics code) settings (administration area)
+ Added ICU extension check; EXIF extension check (installer requirements)
* Improved users search UI
* Fixed: notifications link not visible on mobiles/tablets
* Fixed: signup/login css style problem on mobiles/tablets
Version 1.2.1 - Sep 27 2018
+ Added ability to delete cached data (Admin > Settings > Cached data)
* Fixed language translate issue (updated translation was not visible because of caching)
Version 1.2 - Sep 25 2018
+ Added translation module (administration area). Now you can translate YouDate to any language
+ Added notifications (likes, guests)
+ Admins can add credits to users (administration area)
+ Admins can toggle user verifications (administration area)
* Fixed MySQL group by problem
* Fixed rare DB connection error on some hosting providers
Version 1.1 - Sep 16 2018
+ Added "Verifications" feature: users now can verify their profiles by sending a photo with a special gesture.
+ Added smiles (emoji) into messages: auto-replace text-smiles into emoji :-) -> 😀; emoji picker
+ Added option to turn off premium features (admin area)
+ Added options to search online/verified users only
* Improved UI on various pages
Version 1.0 - Sep 04 2018
+ Initial release