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2. Files upload

Files structure

Script source files are in Source/ file. The structure of the project is:

├─ application/                        # Script core files
├─ content/                            # All your content
│  ├─ assets/                          # Compiled and cached assets (css/js)
│  ├─ cache/                           # Cached photos and thumbnails
│  ├─ gifts/                           # Gifts
│  ├─ images/                          # Images
│  ├─ pages/                           # Site pages
│  ├─ params/                          # Site params and configs
│  ├─ photos/                          # User photos
│  ├─ plugins/                         # Plugins
│  └─ themes/                          # Themes
|     └─ youdate/                      # Default theme
|     └─ custom/                       # Customized theme (example)
├─ .env                                # Script system settings
├─ .htaccess                           # Apache settings (rewrite)
└─ index.php                           # Entry script


For proper upgrade you should not edit/delete any files in application and content/themes/youdate directories (your changes will be overwritten by new files).

To customize theme theme - check customization section.


Upload all the files (including hidden files like .env or .htaccess) from the Source/ archive to the root directory of your website location (often called as public_html).
